Robert L. Harris



Robert L. Harris is a native of eastern Idaho and joined Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C., upon graduation from law school in 2004 from the University of Idaho.  Since that time, he has practiced primarily in water, real property, natural resource, environmental, and adoption law.  He also continued his education after law school and obtained a Master's Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Idaho in 2007.

Mr. Harris has extensive experience before the Idaho Water Adjudication Court located in Twin Falls to claim, contest, and resolve matters associated with the adjudication of water rights in Idaho's judicial water right adjudication proceedings.  He has also represented farmers, developers, and canal companies in contested cases before the Idaho Department of Water Resources.  In addition, he has assisted clients with obtaining water rights through the water right permitting process, changing elements of their water rights, obtaining water bank approval for temporary water uses, and assisted in other water law related matters.  He has also frequently assisted clients with real property transactions, ditch and canal easement disputes, real property and land use matters, as well as environmental disputes primarily related to the federal Clean Water Act, including resolution of Clean Water Act violations pertaining to wetlands.

Mr. Harris has also assisted families through the adoption process, which includes termination proceedings, finalization proceedings, contested adoptions, interstate adoptions, and the process to obtain certificates of foreign birth in Idaho.

  • Education
    • Ricks College, A.A., 1999
    • Utah State University, B.S. Biology, 2001
    • University of Idaho, J.D., 2004
    • Editor-in-Chief, Idaho Law Review
    • University of Idaho, M.S. Environmental Science, 2007
  • Court Admissions
    • Idaho State Bar, 2004
    • United States District Court, District of Idaho, 2004
  • Professional Memberships
    • American Bar Association, 2004
    • Idaho State Bar Section Membership
      • Water Law
      • Real Property
      • Environmental/Natural Resources
  • Civic Activities
    • Recipient of the Idaho State Bar 2011 Denise O'Donnell-Day Pro Bono Award for the 7th Judicial District
    • Author: Narrowing the Local Public Interest Criterion in Idaho Water Right Transfers, 39 Idaho Law Review 714, 2003
    • Recipient of ITLA Law School Award for Excellence in Legal Research and Writing, August 2002